GetToMeet.ME is the link between CyberSpace and RealSpace. Wouldn't you like to meet people as easily in real life as you do on-line? QR Codes are popping up everywhere. They stimulate our curiosity and when you see a large QR Code that just says HI!, you've GOT to check it out!
With GetToMeet.Me, you have your own personal QR Code that links to your very own personal "Landing Page" where you can welcome your visitor and tell him Your story. What you share is totally up to you. You can add links to your FaceBook Or other social media pages or your website. Wear your code on a tee shirt, put a bumper sticker on your car or stick a Post-It note where people will see it and then watch the fun!
Although GetToMeet.ME is designed mainly for you to meet and greet new people, you can also use it to get the word out for a number of other great projects. You are only limited by your imagination. Here are a few ideas:
· Set up a code and a page for your business, for your club, for your church or youth group. · Use it to tell people about an upcoming event you want to publicize. How about for your collectable automobile at car shows?
What we include:
· Generate a custom QR Code that you can use for yourself or for other purposes. · Create a custom "Landing Page" for your QR code and host it for 12 months. You give us the info you would like to appear including photos and links to your FaceBook or other social media sites or your website. We can update your info for you at any time for a nominal fee. · We will print your QR code for you on a wide assortment of items to let you get the word out - Tee Shirts (Our favorite), coffee mugs, Post-It notes, bumper stickers, cards to hand out, large or small magnets, tote bags, hats, etc. · · What does it cost? · · To generate your custom QR Code and your personal custom landing page, including 12 months hosting on the Internet is only $39.00. All the specialty items listed above may be ordered on our website and you can check our reasonable prices there. Renewals for additional years are only $10.00. Changes to your Landing Page can just be emailed to us and we will upload them for you. Our rates for custom work are $60 per hour and most updates can be done in about 1/4 hour. · · How Do I Get Started? · · Easy! Just Email me here and I’ll send you all the information. Basically, Just send me a word processing page with the information as you would like it to appear on your site and I’ll convert it to HTML and load it up to your page. I’ll also send you your personal QR Code for you to use. · · See all the cool Stuff you can get with your personal QR Code - Click Here. |